bamboo salt

Bamboo Salt & Diabetes

What is diabetes? In short, diabetes is a disease when urine excretes together with sugar. More specifically, diabetes is a syndrome caused by metabolic disorder of glucose, fat, and protein due to the absolute or relative lack of insulin; its basic characteristic is that there is an abnormal increase in the thickness of glucose in […]

9 Roasted Bamboo Salt: The Energy of Healing

9 Roasted Bamboo Salt: The Energy Healing What is 9 roasted bamboo salt? 9 roasted bamboo salt also known as purple bamboo salt. It is the highest grade of organic Korean bamboo salt. The bamboo salt is made following Korean traditional method. The sun-dried sea salt is filled into the bamboo trunk, secondly sealing the bamboo opening […]

Read This Before You Buy Bamboo Salt (Review By Experts & Users)

Bamboo Salt Review (By Experts) After knowing bamboo salt and bamboo salt therapies, experts from all over the world regard bamboo salt and the therapies as treasures. They undergo bamboo salt review by rigid experiments and validation and come out with the following conclusion: “Bamboo salt is the king of salt” Chinen Ryuichi, Secretary, Japanese Natural […]

HKIII Products

Bamboo Salt Research

Bamboo Salt Research Has Shown Various Health Benefits For Modern Society Anti-allergic According to a study done by researchers, bamboo salt can suppress immediate-type of allergic reactions. By oral administration or intradermal injection, bamboo salt significantly inhibits swelling of from allergic reactions by inhibiting the release of histamine. (Shin, Hye-Yong et. al., 2014) Anti-obesity A […]

Bamboo Salt Acne Treatment

Acne affects almost 90% of human population in some stage of one’s life. Conventionally, most of us think pimple go away by itself after puberty. Nonetheless, due to unhealthy diet, modern lifestyle, stress, environment pollution, hormonal imbalance, menopause, you name it. The story is totally different in 21st century. Acne may continue even after 30s, 40s […]

How To Make Bamboo Salt? Harnessing Healing Energies of Mother Nature

Wisdom Behind The Making of Bamboo Salt [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The making of bamboo salt is based on the five elements theory. The five elements are aspects of Qi energy. Qi presents in everywhere as a source of healing energy for lives. In scientific term, Qi is known as etheric energy, a very fine substance surrounding and permeating us. […]

Bamboo Salt: Cancer Prevention Food From Ancient Korea

In 1997, the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’ published a feature article suggesting that we stop the fight against cancer, and that became a hot topic at that time. It claimed that they had to be completely honest about the fact that despite the large amount of research they had been doing for decades, they […]